Dubai-KSA Partnership for Better Health Roadshow

Participation Package

The Dubai-KSA Partnership for Better Health Roadshow will provide you with unprecedented access to a target audience of facilitators in Jeddah, KSA. The costs of participation far outweigh the benefits and opportunities to be captured there, promising excellent returns for your investment. As a participant at the Dubai-KSA Partnership for Better Health Roadshow, you can look forward to:

  • Up to three delegate passes
  • Full list of invitees to Roadshow with contact details
  • Exhibition space of approximately 3mX2m in function hall
  • First come first serve choice of location for exhibition space in function hall
  • Opportunity to provide a panelist for a seminar (*subject to availability)
  • Coverage in the “Sponsor and Participating Health and Medical Organizations” brochure which includes your profile and contact details
  • Mention in invitations sent from the Roadshow organizers
  • An acknowledgement and Thank you by organizers for participating in the roadshow
  • Selected branding on dedicated webpages for the Dubai-KSA Partnership for Better Health Roadshow at www.segma.co - the logo used will be hyperlinked to your website
  • Mention in all press releases, roadshow announcements, and news updates distributed electronically to its database by SEGMA as the main sponsor
  • Travel advice and support


Costing: AED15,000