Unmanned RODEO Systems

USR in the News

USR accumulated wide regional media coverage, links to some coverage are provided below: 
Day 1 - Gulf News 
Day 1 - SDarabia 
Day 2 - Al Ittihad 
Day 2 - Al Bayan 
Day 2 - Gulf News 
Day 2 - The National
Day 2 - SDarabia 

USR Press Conference held on February 21, 2011, was accumulated wide regional media coverage, links to some coverage are provided below:
Gulf News 
Al Bayan 
Al Ittihad 
Al Khaleej
Nation Shield (Show Daily-Arabic)   
Nation Shield (Show Daily-English)  
Janes (Official Show Daily-Arabic)  
Janes (Official Show Daily-English)